Support Open Source.
Attract Talent.

We help your brand connect with developers through GitHub.

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Shopify Algolia Facebook Open Source Airbnb Digital Ocean Adobe

Well known open source supporters

Attracting top talent is hard. Competitive salaries and work benefits are often not enough. To do it, you have to engage with the developers.

We understand that your company is more than a product or a service it offers.

HiveFive offers an opportunity to be visible in a broader tech community by supporting thousands of open source projects.

How it works

Sponsorship badge

Have your company sponsorship badge displayed on thousands of projects on GitHub.

Badges are an essential part of open source projects. They are used as functional tags that provide additional information.

Your badge will visually signify sponsorship of the individual project. Additionally, developers can click on it to learn more about your company.

HiveFive DigitalOcean Algolia

Here’re some examples of sponsorship badges.

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Choose technology

With HiveFive, you are able to support technologies that are relevent to your business.

Your company badge will be displayed only on projects that are related to a specific technology.

Our pricing is flexible. You’re only paying for the number of times your company badge is displayed to the developers.

Developers love HiveFive

Oh this is pretty dope ! :D
Gives a reason to sit on weekends building fun things on open source network :P

Aditya Anand

Full stack developer
Aditya Anand